Friday, February 10, 2017

Xrays and 3rd physical therapy appointment! 2-10-17

I now get X-rays every 3 weeks instead of every 2 weeks. We are looking at bone growth now. It's the countdown to fixator removal! It's been 3 weeks since my last X-rays at his office and he said 8-10 weeks so that means I have about 5-7 weeks left! I'm taking my vitamins to try and promote healthy bone growth so lets hope for the less amount of time but I'm willing to wait because if the fixators are off too early the bone is still soft and with no support it can collapse and you can actually loose length and will have to repeat this whole process in order to fix it NO THANK YOU NEVER AGAIN! I will post my X-rays below my left foot the bone has not unionized yet but it's almost there! My right foot the bone has unionized so now time to solidify. The whiter it gets on the X-ray the harder the bone is getting.

I'm now on my third physical therapy appointment. So what happened is that we actually bumped up the times I go to 3 times a week instead of 1-2. I need a lot of work done and when I get these fixations off I want to feel as normal and free as I possibly can! I have big goals to achieve in due time once this is all done. Im going to finally start racing and I'm working towards my spartan trifecta!!! I will achieve that goal but there is no way I possibly could at my flexibility at the moment. So my therapist gave me more exercises to do that are now working on my hips! They make me sore but it's a good feeling I think coming out of this I will also have a nice firm booty too hahaha! Anyway, the way she describes this is that when you don't use a joint for a long period of time is that it freezes. What that means is there is a capsule and in this capsule are tendons and ligaments that tighten up. You need to work on them to loosen it up and boy is it a slow process! However I have already made great progress in just 3 visits and my exercises at home I've been doing. My flexion in my brachy toes is actually great! Flexion is bending the toes down like curling them, my brachy toes are able to do what all of my other toes can do! She said that flexion comes first it's easier to achieve and then extension comes next. Extension is moving them upward like if you were to put your foot into heels your toes would need to extend. My toes are slowly but surely working their way upward. I'm at 20% extension in only 3 visits. Prior to that I was at 0% it barely would move so I'm extremely happy at that. She also can't work on my toe as much as normally because of my bones not being hard enough and having hardware in it gets in the way. She said I'll see better results once I get these off because then she can really go in and just work my toes. So far my toes are stiff in the beginning for a few seconds and its about 2 second of pain and then my toe starts to release as she works at it and after that it feels so amazing like releasing and relief its great. I'm so excited for the future and I'm really hoping that by the time I get these fixators off ill be near 100% maybe at the 60-80% range! I have quite a few more weeks so I have about 15-21 more visits before fixator removal so fingers crossed! I will keep you all updated on my progress.

I'm still waiting to hear from my doctor on the results of my X-rays.

Left no unionized bone yet

Right unionized bone!

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